Picking out wedding colors and bridesmaids gifts in the past week have gotten me so excited for our June 2015 wedding! I ordered way too many books from Amazon {Southern Living Wedding Planner, Emily Post's Wedding Ettiquite, etc.} and am ready for the planning process to begin! I'm thankful to have a year and a half to plan to reduce stress and hopefully costs. We haven't exactly established a budget yet, but would like to be as cost-efficient as possible.
While perusing some wedding websites, I ran across some giveaways I thought I would share with other brides-to-be! They only take a few seconds to enter, and who knows--you could be the big winner!

David's Bridal is hosting a giveaway of a bridal gown or five bridesmaids dresses. Such an accommodating contest; if you already have a dress but no maids' dresses you can still win, and vice versa! Visit www.davidsbridal.com and click "Bridal Dresses" then "All Dresses" and the interactive form pops up. This contest runs through March.
Hopefully you're already following Southern Living on Pinterest. If so, you're all set to enter their wedding giveaway! It's for an all inclusive wedding for you, the groom, and 100 guests at The Willcox in Aiken, SC. This looks like it would be the most perfect venue for a southern belle's dream wedding! Look under the Sweepstakes & Giveaways Southern Living board on Pinterest to find the pin that links to the form above. This contest runs through February.
Dress...check. Wedding...check. Honeymoon?
I keep on hearing and reading about the wonders of an all inclusive honeymoon the reduce stress and maximize fun and relaxation. Sandals is offering a four-day, three-night honeymoon on them that you definitely should apply for! It's kind of hard to find--there is a small box at the bottom of the homepage where you enter your email before it takes you it the above page with the full form.
Have you found any other giveaways I should apply for? Also, what do you think about wedding websites?
Happy Planning!