This trip was one that centered around the fact that sometimes New York & Company has really amazing clothes. Other times, NY&C has really heinous clothes. There seems to be no happy medium, which is incredibly frustrating to me. But this time, they had cute clothes, and BOGO Mix and Match on most items! Score!
This will suffice until I find that perfect crew neck camel colored
sweater. I got a ton of compliments on it at work yesterday, worn
with black pants and pearls. I can't wait to wear it with jeans, and
now that it's on sale for $29, I may have to order one more!
The metallic is more gold than silver, which I love, and will hopefully
be able to break this one out for the Georgia Southern Homecoming
game this upcoming weekend! This is the piece that I bought and
I got the other sweater free.
I snagged this beauty for only $10, thanks to their weekend sale.
I thought it looked super similar to my most popular Pinterest
pin ever! I love how it has a really long chain to connect the
clasp too, so it can be like a collar necklace, or longer if need be.
Xhilaration Leopard Print Leggings, $12
I got these on sale for $8. Someone (Christopher) is not
I got these on sale for $8. Someone (Christopher) is not
happy that I got these, but it is my new life goal to make these cute!
I can't wait to wear them with some black pointy toed flats, and
an oversized black dress shirt. So Audrey...
Okay, so I don't love the studs on the back of these flats,
but I loved the price. I got these for $8! Slight point, but not
too long so they are kind of casual.
I've been holding out for a Hobo wallet for a few months
now, but when I saw this, I really really liked it! The price
was obviously better, and it has a lot of space inside.
Plus, it's significantly lighter filled than the big Hobo wallet
I wanted was empty. This was my only full price purchase!
Plus, it's significantly lighter filled than the big Hobo wallet
I wanted was empty. This was my only full price purchase!
I think my loot definitely supports this idea...
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